Final2x-core can also be used as a Python library (Python 3.8+). Here are a few simple examples.
pip install Final2x-core
pip install Final2x-core
Batch process RGBA images using the SR_queue method provided by Final2x-core:
import Final2x_core as Fin
def upscale(picPATH: list[str]) -> None:
config = Fin.SRCONFIG()
config.inputpath = picPATH # init log percentage
config.model = 'RealCUGAN-pro'
config.modelnoise = -1
# ... see for more config
import Final2x_core as Fin
def upscale(picPATH: list[str]) -> None:
config = Fin.SRCONFIG()
config.inputpath = picPATH # init log percentage
config.model = 'RealCUGAN-pro'
config.modelnoise = -1
# ... see for more config
Customize the processing using the SR class provided by Final2x-core:
import cv2
import Final2x_core as Fin
def Myupscale(picPATH: list[str]) -> None:
config = Fin.SRCONFIG()
config.inputpath = picPATH # init log percentage
config.model = 'RealCUGAN-pro'
SR = Fin.SRFactory.getSR()
# RGB Mode, RGBA can refer Final2x_core.SR_queue
for i in picPATH:
img = cv2.imread(i, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
img = SR.process(img)
cv2.imwrite('Final2x-' + i, img)
import cv2
import Final2x_core as Fin
def Myupscale(picPATH: list[str]) -> None:
config = Fin.SRCONFIG()
config.inputpath = picPATH # init log percentage
config.model = 'RealCUGAN-pro'
SR = Fin.SRFactory.getSR()
# RGB Mode, RGBA can refer Final2x_core.SR_queue
for i in picPATH:
img = cv2.imread(i, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
img = SR.process(img)
cv2.imwrite('Final2x-' + i, img)